قرار مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة رقم 764 in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 764 ad The ruins of Godal-Saji temple are all that remain of a temple complex that was originally constructed in 764 AD by King Gyeongdeok, 35th king of Unified Silla. "' Abu Muhammad Musa ibn Ma...
- 764 bc Pholus has not come within one astronomical unit of a planet since 764 BC, and will not until 5290. "' Ruo'ao "'(, died 764 BC ) was from 790 to 764 BC the monarch of the state of Chu duri...
- 764 ce There was a stone pillar, the Lhasa Zhol " rdo-rings ", in the ancient village of Zhol in front of the Potala in Lhasa, dating to c . 764 CE during the reign of Trisong Detsen. There is a ...
- 764 gedania The city was also honored by another minor planet, 764 Gedania.
- 764 naval air squadron No . 764 Naval Air Squadron had responsibility for training German crews on twelve Sea Hawks which operated in German Navy markings.
- 764年 764年,孝谦上皇重祚为称?天皇。 (706年~764年),奈良时代的公卿。 办事处,结束了纳溪建县764年历史。 764年受任大臣禅师,参与政事。 广德二年(764年)被吐蕃所陷。 ,代宗广德二年(764年)置唐兴县。 ,仲麻吕有心除之,764年遂举叛旗。 764年建立时治所在衡州(衡阳城)。 在位起讫:公元前790年-公元前764年。 二年,甲辰(公元764年),五十三...
- deaths in 764 Flaithbertach's son 羍d Muinderg is called " r?in Tuaisceart " & mdash; King of the North, a title apparently meaning that he was acknowledged as chief ruler among the northern U?N閕ll and p...
- pa 764 In Pinecroft, PA 764 leaves US 220 BUS to turn east. A short distance east of the overlap, PA 764 terminates an at interchange with I-99 / US 220, at exit 39.
- route 764 "' Delhi Transport Corporation route 764 "'is a Transport in Delhi contracted bus route in Delhi, India.
- surinam airways flight 764 *1989 Surinam Airways Flight 764, a Douglas DC-8, crashes while attempting to land in heavy fog at Paramaribo, Suriname. "' Surinam Airways Flight 764 "'was an international scheduled pa...
- year 764 When Emperor Daizong returned to Chang'an around the new year 764, Cheng heard the news. The frequency of references to the abbey of Lorsch between the years 764 and 785 suggests that the ...
- 前764年 在位起讫:公元前790年-公元前764年。 ~前764年),芈姓,熊氏,名仪,号若敖。 公元前764年熊仪卒后,长子熊坎即位,号霄敖。 -公元前764年。 位时间从公元前790~前764年为期二十六年,终年岁数待考。 周平王七年(公元前764年),熊仪逝世,被尊为“若敖”。 周平王七年(前764年)熊仪卒,被尊为“若敖”,这是楚君有谥号的开始。 楚若敖二十七年(丁丑,公元前...